Crunchyroll has recently released a latest trailer of a new exclusive series “Noblesse,” which is set to release in October. The director of Hinomaru Sumo, Yasutaka Yamamoto has directed the series along side the chief director, Shunsuke Tada. The series has been composed by Sayaka Harada. While characters have been designed by Akiharu Ishii who is also the chief animation supervisor. Noblesse, the Crunchyroll Original series, is a WEBTOON, written and illustrated by Jeho Son and Kwangsu Lee which has been adapted into anime. Both the writer and the illustrator will be making appearances at Virtual Crunchyroll Expo from September 4 to 6. So, the fans, who are interested to get a glimpse before the release of the series are recommended to get their free pass. Noblesse is not the only Crunchyroll Original series to be released this year as Crunchyroll has released other series which include The God of High School, In/Spectre and Tower of God among few others. [youtube